Welcome to my Sims 2 Blog!

This blog is to keep track of all my Sims 2 (TS2) stuffeths. I mostly "build" - houses, apartments, recreational, and community lots - but, I also create walls (and murals), floors, terrain paint, and various other recolors. And I've written a few tutorials too. 😁

All of my items are available through Mod the Sims - MTS2: CatherineTCJD.

Most of my stuff is also posted on Tumblr: A Peacock's Tale.

And I'm slowly adding things to Simblr: CatherineTCJD.

I also have an archive of everything I have made on SFS: CatherineTCJD.

Thank you for visiting!

Tutorial: Using Grid-Adjuster for No-Slope Basements and 1-Click/2-Click Foundations


This Tutorial is about using Mootilda's Grid-Adjuster to create No-Slope Basements and 1-Click or 2-Click Foundations


Mootilda's Grid-Adjuster Tool 😎 ...obviously!


Moo's own G-A Tutorial
Shasta's Little Decks Tutorial
Or my other G-A Tutorial - similar to Shasta's Tute, but with a different approach.
Honeywell and Moo's conversation: HERE


HL's SimplePassageModStairs (Version 2)
HL and Moo's convo/thread about the stairs: HERE


Grid-Adjuster Tutorial
                    - by: CatherineTCJD

The first part of this tutorial, Steps #1 - 14, is for making the No-Slope Basement.
Once that is done, and the appropriate stairs are added to the 4-click foundation, then you can decide if you want a 2-Click or 1-Click (or 3-Click) Foundation.

Steps #15 - 22 are for making the 2-Click Foundation. If you really want a 1-Click Foundation - skip ahead to the next section. You do not need to have a 2-Click Foundation before changing it to a 1-Click Foundation. If you plan on allowing large dogs access to your building, then you must put HL's SimplePassageModStairs in place on a 4-click foundation BEFORE changing it to a 2-Click Foundation.

Steps #23 - 29 are for making the 1-Click Foundation. You must put invisible stairs in place on a 4-click foundation BEFORE changing it to a 1-Click Foundation. I like HL's SimplePassageModStairs V2 - they were specifically designed for lower foundations - and they are the ONLY stairs that allow large dogs to enter on a lowered foundation.

I have a download version (available on MTS) of this Bin House with these three Grid-Adjuster variations: with just the No-Slope Basement, with the No-Slope on a 2-Click Foundation, or with the No-Slope on a 1-Click Foundation.

A "Steps" summary is given at the end - the main tutorial is presented in these following 21 pictures:





















1 - The building must have a foundation
2 - Mark out the "sections" for counting
3 - Add overlapping areas AND count Depth and Width of sections
4 - Create basement walls and 1st Floor walls (should look like a 2-story house on a foundation. The 1st floor/story will actually be the basement.
5 - Double check your counting!!!
6 - Save lot (Remember the lot's name!) and close TS2
7 - Start the Grid-Adjuster; find the house
8 - Enter numbers for the first section
9 - Enter numbers for the second section
10 - Enter numbers for the third section
11 - Enter numbers for the fourth section
12 - Close the Grid-Adjuster; Restart TS2
13 - Fix the mess... snap windows/doors/objects back into place
14 - Add stairs. Finish the building.

DONE! ...with adding No-Slope Basement

15 - Prep for 2-Click Foundation - Add HL's SimplePassageModStairs IF you want to allow Large Dogs access to the house
16 - Save. Close TS2.
17 - Start up the Grid-Adjuster; find the house
18 - Enter numbers for each section again in the G-A; this time with Elevation:  -14 (for a 2-Click Foundation)
19 - Close the G-A; Restart TS2
20 - Add in-game steps where you want 2-step stairs.
21 - Invisify HL's SimplePassageStairs (if you used them)
22 - Fix the mess... snap windows/doors/objects back into place.

DONE! ...with adding No-Slope Basement AND a 2-Click Foundation

23 - Prep for 1-Click Foundation - Must add HL's SimplePassageModStairs
24 - Save. Close TS2.
25 - Start up the Grid-Adjuster; find the house
26 - Enter numbers for each section again in the G-A; this time with Elevation:  -15 (for a 1-Click Foundation)
27 - Close the G-A; Restart TS2
28 - Invisify HL's SimplePassageStairs
29 - Fix the mess... snap windows/doors/objects back into place.

DONE! ...with adding No-Slope Basement AND a 1-Click Foundation

Whew! How did you do?
Please let me know if you have questions - I don't know everything about the Grid-Adjuster (yet!) But, I will try to help if I can. 😁

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