Welcome to my Sims 2 Blog!

This blog is to keep track of all my Sims 2 (TS2) stuffeths. I mostly "build" - houses, apartments, recreational, and community lots - but, I also create walls (and murals), floors, terrain paint, and various other recolors. And I've written a few tutorials too. 😁

All of my items are available through Mod the Sims - MTS2: CatherineTCJD.

Most of my stuff is also posted on Tumblr: A Peacock's Tale.

And I'm slowly adding things to Simblr: CatherineTCJD.

I also have an archive of everything I have made on SFS: CatherineTCJD.

Thank you for visiting!

Tutorial: For Building Basic Split-level Houses

I was asked a while long, long, time ago to write up a tutorial about how I go about building split-level houses...
Then, a year later, another person gently reminded me that the first person had asked... so... I finally did it.
Sometimes it takes me a while. I'm sorry it took this long! I hope this information is still useful?

This tutorial is presented through 30 pictures. They are numbered, and fairly self explanatory (I hope!) Please let me know if you have any questions.
The best piece of advice I can give you is: know where the undo button is, and make it your friend!

Experiment, be creative, hit "undo" a zillion times, and have fun!

Things you will need before we get started:
- Numenor's Unlevel Wall - #90 - this is a "Must!" for split-level houses!
- tBudgett's Retaining Wall - another terrific split-level tool ;)
- Life Stories Build Bundle - It's the second link in the top post - extracted by Argon @ MATY. This Maxis-made collection of wallpapers and floors are superb, especially for split-level construction.

And, you may also want:
Psychosim's Default Wall with Scale

Without further ado ~ here is how I build a basic split-level house...










How did you do? Don't give up!
You can download this house at the SFS link below, and reverse engineer it any way you want to!
Thank you for thinkin' with me ~ I hope this info is useful for someone 😁


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