Welcome to my Sims 2 Blog!

This blog is to keep track of all my Sims 2 (TS2) stuffeths. I mostly "build" - houses, apartments, recreational, and community lots - but, I also create walls (and murals), floors, terrain paint, and various other recolors. And I've written a few tutorials too. 😁

All of my items are available through Mod the Sims - MTS2: CatherineTCJD.

Most of my stuff is also posted on Tumblr: A Peacock's Tale.

And I'm slowly adding things to Simblr: CatherineTCJD.

I also have an archive of everything I have made on SFS: CatherineTCJD.

Thank you for visiting!

Belladonna Cove's Public Library Redux - Maxis Makeover - No CC

Originally Uploaded to MTS on Aug. 17th, 2014; Updated to CC-FREE Oct. 30th, 2020.

Belladonna Cove's illustrious public library is the ancestral home of the once prominent Cove family. Shortly after the last surviving Cove heir was catastrophically interred by a falling satellite, the city council seized the house. It has an excellent location, you see. Standing on the corner directly across from Central Park makes it an ideal place for a public library.

This is a beautiful example of an old-money SimMansion. Most of the original wood paneling, floors and ceilings have been carefully restored. Matching bricks were found to replace the ones lost to time and degradation (the Coves lost most of their wealth a few generations back; the beauty of this building quickly faded as a result.)

The two-story columns spanning the front facade were thought to be "covered in dirt and grime" for quite some time. Upon restoration, it was discovered that they are actually carved from an exotic jasper (Zebra Jasper, to be exact!) which is metaphysically known to:

...Bring the courage to get to grips with problems assertively, and encourage honesty with oneself. Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits... this stone aids quick thinking, promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through, and stimulates imagination, transforming thoughts into action." Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

The doors are now open, and the public is welcome. Well, they are welcome to roam everywhere but the 'Master's Study' - It's no secret the room is there (as it's easily seen through the front corner window) but, the entrance is hidden. And only the elite, 'initiated' few, are allowed to enter.

So... spend some time perusing the stacks, or take in a Master Class in the upstairs mini-auditorium. Chess club members eagerly await worthy opponents at the chess tables along the front terrace; there, you will also find vending machines for your convenience. Restrooms are located on the first floor.

Oh! And, don't forget to order the BDC RCS (Reading Club's Special: a non-fat soy green-tea latte, light on the foam) upstairs in the "Grey Cafe".

The pavers in front match the pavers used in the Central Parks. And a copy of the famous "Grey Lady" statue stands proudly over the grand entrance. It is rumored that the Gray Lady herself, once slept here.

***This is a rebuild/remodel of a Maxis lot.***

NO Custom Content is Included

Lot Size: 2x2
Lot Price: 185,233


More pictures: (When I de-CCified my original rebuild of this lot, I did not retake pictures because the 'look' stayed the same - see NOTEs below)

NOTE for the following picture: The "corner" bookshelves (CC) have been removed.

NOTE for the following picture: the 1T desks (CC) have been swapped for in-game, regular 2T desks. The TV is no longer up on a platform.

NOTE for the following picture: the cement benches along the sidewalk in front have been swapped for in-game wooden park benches.

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